"Working with Wendy was an amazing experience. She is knowledgeable and her expertise was beneficial for my business. Wendy helped me to think outside of the box when it came to automating things in my business, and also with maintaining a consistent clientele. What I loved about working with Wendy the most, is that she customized everything to the unique needs of my brand as well as business."


"While working with Wendy I was working on the launch of my book and Wendy helped me by thinking about creative ways to promote my book. She also helped me take resources that I had already created to use them as a tool to get visibility from my clients and audience. I cannot say enough about how working with her helped me improve my business. My personal favorite moment while working with Wendy was creating an extra $3,200 while creating a simple group class through an area of expertise I already had, but truly Wendy helped me map out numbers, hours, and overall what that would look like for my business. She is amazing and I cannot thank her enough!" - Michaela D. Speaker and Podcast Coach

For Fierce Business Owners Who Want To Grow their Visibility, Build an Audience of ‘Hell Yes’ Clients and Level Up Their Business.  

Whether you launched your business or are building your business from scratch, let’s turn that trickle of clients into a solid, steady flow of absolutely perfect, dream clients who just can't get enough.

And YES, you can do this even if you don’t have a huge following online.




But, now that you’ve worked your butt off getting your business off the ground, you still haven't seen it pop up the way you imagined.


You feel like you've done all the things and are unsure of what to do next. There's only so much free or discounted work you can promote and even then people are hesitant to work with you. 

You’re thinking: booked out with aligned clients, consistent $5k months, and a brand everyone’s got their eyes on…  

You’re well aware of that phrase, “What got you where you are today, won’t get you where you’re going tomorrow.” 

And girl, do you feel that struggle deeply!

Now that you’ve been in business for a few months and you’ve gotten a few clients under your belt, you’re ready to invest in building out your business’s lead generation, sales, and marketing systems—and create a solid foundation that sets your business up for success and abundance for years to come.

You just need help finding the clarity to take your next bold move.

Does this sound familiar?

You feel held back by your fear of sales, imposter syndrome, and a lack of clear direction on what to do next

  • Up until now, you’ve been throwing everything at your business to see what sticks.
  • You post content but are not sure if your content is even reaching and resonating with your dream clients.
  • The only strategy you've been following is "show up" and stay "top of mind" because that's what you hear all the gurus say.
  • You've tried showing up as someone you aren't to feel successful and it felt misaligned and not authentic.
  • Without a strategy in place, you secretly worry if you’re capable of being successful in business.

Because you haven’t blown up yet, that whisper in the back of your head just keeps getting louder: it’s wondering if you’re coming off as too salesy, if you don’t deserve to charge your worth for your services, or if you’re not doing enough.

If only there was another way (hint, hint, there is!)



Imagine showing up everyday in your business feeling confident, in alignment, and focused! No more having a 9-5 to report to because you can finally put that life behind you.
If you could share your gifts with the people who truly need them—not to just whoever says yes. If you could clearly put the missing pieces in your business together and feel like you’re running a well-oiled machine of a business. 
If you’re ready to finally learn how to achieve all that and more, the Bold Business Academy teaches everything you need to know about consistently booking your ideal clients, manifesting consistent income in your business, and building a secure foundation that sets your business up for long-term success—all in one program. 


Would you stay where you are—or say hell yes!
I’m willing to bet that if you’re the type of woman to go against all odds and press the envelope as an ambitious entrepreneur, you’re the type of woman to say “hell yes” to rolling up your sleeves to build the business of your dreams! 
I’m here to help you stop wondering where, when, and how to start—so you can begin making bold, defined steps towards launching the courses, businesses, offers, and marketing campaigns you need to build momentum, consistency, and real results in your business. When you say yes to the Bold Business Academy, you say yes to confidently showing up online for your target clients and growing your income.

You Don’t Have To Wait To Have A Business You Love. You Can Build It Right Now.

YES! I Need This!


  • Implement a sales system that helps you break past income plateaus.
  • Consistently book out your clients roster.
  • Gain the skills and confidence to sell. 
  • Streamline your lead generation strategy.
  • Attract and convert clients outside of social media.
  • Become the go-to expert in your niche. 
  • Overcome overthinking and imposter syndrome.

Bold Business Academy

For entrepreneurs, like you, looking to grow their visibility, build an audience of ‘hell yes’ clients and level up their business.

Joining The Bold Business Academy group program gives you the tools to streamline your brand, marketing, and sales systems—so you can get visible and expand your income.

You’ve started catching your target clients’ attention, now learn how to convert that attention into business-evolving action.

Join the Bold Business Academy

Anna K.

"Wendy was so amazing. I landed my first five clients during my first launch and she's an amazing coach. She shows up for her students. She's really supportive and dependable. I had such a great time working with her and if you have any hesitations, don't. Wendy is a fantastic coach and she will be able to help you along the way. It was the best investment I've ever made."



A 4 month group experience to support you in creating and turning momentum into a powerhouse business that consistently attracts quality clients to your business.

  • An expert to walk you down the path every step of the way. Everyone inside the group program will get my undivided attention for the next 4 months.
  • 5 vital modules going through each of the phases in detail, so you can begin implementing immediately.
  • Scripts, templates, and guides for every phase of the module WITH step-by-step tutorials, so you can see it in action.
  • Weekly strategy and implementation calls to ask questions, get direct feedback, and stay connected to a network and community of other business owners taking their business to the next level.
  • Group voxer support to ask questions in-between calls and keep yourself accountable over the next 4 months.
  • Reviewal, audits and feedback on your material for optimal growth.


Learn how to build an audience of ideal clients, who want to learn and buy from you. 

This includes lessons on:

  • Mapping out your best fit clients and how to attract them.
  • Cultivating a community of raving fans.

  • Authentically showcasing your expertise and authority.

After this module, you’ll be ready to create your signature and sought after offer.



Create a solid business foundation to grow an in-demand business from the ground up.

This module includes:

  • Structuring your signature stand out offer.

  • Validating your offer for maximum success.
  • How to use messaging to support decision making for your offer.

After this module, you’ll be ready to get visible with your business!



Learn marketing frameworks rooted in psychology and consumer behavior that help you consistently and effectively communicate the immense value of your business to your audience. This module includes:


  • How to become discovered and visible online. 
  • The blueprint to gain attention, retain it and convert it into interest.  

  • How to use content to support decision making for your offer. 

After this module, you’ll be ready to attract leads your offer.



Learn how to consistently attract clients with ease—so you never have to wonder what your next month is going to look like. This module includes:

  • Learn how to build an email list of leads 

  • Create a client experience that leaves your clients wondering how they can continue working with you.

  • Create conversion driven content.

  • Booking out with clients on and off social media

After this module, you’ll be ready to confidently close more sales.



This module will help you refine your sales process and scale your business income. This module includes:

  • Learn how to pivot a conversation into a sales one. 

  • Host sales calls or DM conversations that convert time and time again. 

  • Learn how to effectively follow up and increase your client lifetime value. 

  • How to effortlessly convert more sales through your email list. 

All the tools, spreadsheets and templates provided to confidently meet and exceed your sales goals!

I'M SOLD! Let's Go!


I’ve spent 4 years building an impactful multiple 6-figure business. And now, I’m ready to pass my knowledge onto you.

I’m a coffee-obsessed, adrenaline-loving, first-generation Latina who has spent her professional life following her entrepreneurial passions to the ends of the earth (From Nebraska to South Korea to Texas and many places in between). I’m here to draw on my 10 years of experience in various sales and marketing roles to help ambitious online entrepreneurs (psst: like you!) confidently expand their businesses through purposeful marketing efforts—and in doing so scale thriving businesses. 


My entrepreneurial spirit has led me to:

✓  Earn a Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing.

✓  Got accepted into a business and marketing MBA program, only to leave halfway through when I realized the path it was setting me on would not fulfill me.

✓  Build a career working with huge fashion jewelry retailers, high-end jewelry shops, and luxury beauty retailers.

✓  Launch a travel influencer career where I learned that demand for coaching in the online entrepreneurial space was huge!

The Perfect Cocktail Of Professional Experience And Following My Dreams

To understand your needs, desires, and struggles and help you create a business that feels in alignment with your vision and potential.


I know how it feels to be on a path you know isn’t going the direction you want it to while feeling that huge pull to create something beyond your wildest dreams. Before launching Lovingly Bold, I pursued marketing and business within the corporate world for years while feeling unfulfilled. Even though I worked for large, successful companies, such as Sephora, and was earning a Master’s degree, I knew I wouldn’t find what I was looking for unless I made a bold move in the right direction. 

I quit my unfulfilling job, packed my bags, and headed out to South Korea where I decided to become a travel influencer. Though that was not where my path ended, growing my online presence taught me just how much content really is queen in the entrepreneurial space. As I began sharing tips and advice, the demand for ongoing support became so large that I pivoted and launched Lovingly Bold. And once again, I packed my bags for Texas and decided to go all-in, in my business. 

When I found the right path and applied everything I had learned in my journey to get where I am today, it caused a ripple effect of peace and fulfillment in my life. Not only did my business flourish, but I found a career that filled the sense of longing in my heart. 

I can help you because I’ve been where you are now. I’ve since scaled my business to 6-figures and beyond, hired out a team, and successfully used social media to attract hundreds of clients. I’ve learned how to adapt to the changing times and leverage video to be one of my best lead generation tools while having fun and sharing my personality with the world. 

If you’re ready to expand your business through purposeful marketing efforts and create more profit in your business, then I have the tools, guidance, and knowledge to help you get there.

I have helped over 150 online female entrepreneurs like you across 10 countries collectively build balanced, thriving businesses.
And I can help you do the same!
Success-Driven Frameworks 

Become the go-to expert in your niche—and consistently book out your calendar 

Ready to stop second-guessing your business decisions and confidently show up for your business? Learn how to use my success-driven frameworks to structure your business for optimal success and gain an intimate understanding of what offers, marketing strategies, sales processes, and systems you need to implement to accelerate interest in your business, position yourself as the go-to leader in your industry, and inspire action in your target clients.  

Confidence Looks So Good On You—Let’s Get You There!


Here's What Your Group Program experience includes:


Weekly Group Calls

Group calls where magic happens and success is inevitable. Get ready for personalized hot seat coaching, strategic feedback, and actionable insights to fuel your business forward. Whether you need to ask questions, take notes, or develop a winning strategy, you’re covered in these group calls.

Value: $10,000

High Touch Group Support

Receive direct feedback and personalized support through group Voxer to help you tackle your business challenges head-on. With built-in accountability and customized support, you'll have everything you need to fill any gaps in your business and achieve your goals with confidence between calls.

Value: $4,600

BBA Curriculum 

Experience all in access to the BBA course with trainings, workbooks, tools, templates and resources to help you succeed. 

  Value: $1,500





4 month group program for ambitious entrepreneurs.

Act fast, because this investment won't stay this low for long!

By joining the waitlist you get first dibs on our enrollment launch special that will be available up until the first week of the launch, you can save an incredible $500 on your investment!

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to invest in yourself and your business at a fraction of the cost.



Stepper T.

"Wendy is an absolutely amazing coach. Her strategies are unmatched.She always has an amazing game plan along with the action items she gives you, the scripts, the templates and strategies. They will 100% move your business forward if you put in the work. She's done great things with my mindset, business and life in general."
I'm Ready To Go All-In On My Business!
Lead Generation That Works

Make your dream of hitting consistent $5k months a reality!

The Bold Business Academy will take you step-by-step through building a solid, high-converting lead generation strategy and sales process that can enable your business to hit your $5k monthly sales goals—and even surpass them! Not in five years. Not in one year. Right now. 

Gain the knowledge and confidence to start consistently booking aligned clients on your high ticket offers with proven and repeatable systems in place for sales that will help you increase your income month after month—allowing you more freedom to live your life by your own rules.

The Impact Of Everything Falling Into Place

Build a life + business that serves your needs

If you could hit sustainable $5k months, what would that mean to you?

Maybe for you, it means:

  • Building rest into your business—so you can avoid burnout long before it creeps in
  • Getting far away from toxic work environments that don’t align with your lifestyle goals
  • Being more present with your family and friends
  • Never having to skip important life events
  • Picking up your kids from school regularly
  • Choosing not to work late into the evenings and weekends without guilt
  • Taking that trip that you’ve been dreaming of for years



If you resonate with any of these—and more importantly—if you’ve been nodding “yes” to anything I’ve been saying, then you’re ready to start learning how to take real, calculated steps to building the business of your dreams through The Bold Business Academy.

Jessica N. -Agency Co-founder

"Since working with Wendy I've gotten so much clarity on how to actually speak to my ideal client, focusing on the transformation and communicating that better. She's helped me a ton with objection handling and how to transition someone from a DM to an actual sales call with what you're saying and how you are positioning things."

Secure Your Spot In The Bold Business Academy

Let me be the one to guide you through revolutionizing your business and setting yourself up for balanced business success!!