How to Hire and Outsource for Business Expansion

business expansion Jan 18, 2021

One of the best decisions you might make in your business is bringing on help before you are actually ready for the help. Let me tell you why I truly believe in getting help before you are ready. The #1 reason why I believe in getting help in your business before it's actually needed is so that you can make decisions in your business from an empowered place vs. a place of overwhelm. This will also ensure that you are hiring and outsourcing right the first time. 

As a business owner you have the pulse of your business in your hands and you will know when certain parts of your business are starting to get busier, take more time, require more energy or have you going in all sorts of directions. This might be because you are entering a state of expansion in your business. You can usually foresee this type of expansion coming as we plan ahead for what things are looking like in our business through planning, goals and projections. 

When you keep an eye open for what's ahead in...

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How to Build a Marketing Funnel for Your Online Business

I've heard time after time how marketing can feel hard. When you feel like you get a hang on your marketing things change, your consumer consumption patterns change or new and shiny marketing ways are introduced.

I keep up with marketing trends and patterns for a living and I get why marketing can feel overwhelming at times. It's hard to keep up with it all. What if I shared a way that simplified the way we approached your marketing? Slimming the way we market. 

The way this is done is by introducing a marketing funnel to your business. A marketing funnel allows for you to open up the client journey through a 5 step marketing approach that we will break down in this blog post. Your marketing funnel is your entry point for your customer journey that a potential customer goes through.

Now let's break down each phase for you.


Creating awareness is the entry point to your marketing funnel. In the awareness stage of a business it's key to let your potential clients...

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Creating Effective Habits to Grow and Scale A Business

business expansion Dec 22, 2020


One of the best ways to grow and scale a business is to create goals that support the journey of doing just that -growing and scaling. You would think it would be that easy right? You set a goal and you achieve it.

But on the contrary, what happens when you enter a repeatable cycle of  setting and forgetting the goals? It doesn't look as easy after all through those lens does it now. 

This happens oh too often but after reading this blog post I will share a simple and effective hack that will help you crush your business goals. It's really simple actually it's the act of setting habits for your goals. 

But why is this often missed? Let me be super honest with you, most people get super giddy at setting goals -I'll be super transparent with you... I can be this way.

We get super excited about the goals that we set that we often forget to set the habits that enable the ACTION we need to take to help us in achieving our goals.

Ask yourself, how many times have you...

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How to Work on the Business for Growth and Expansion

business expansion Dec 08, 2020

Some time ago I got tired of being on the business hamster wheel.

You know, that feeling of never finishing up the massive to do list, not seeing past what’s in front of me and ultimately being consumed with working in my business.

 The painful truth was that doing all of that was maybe giving me short term success but never the sustainable long term success I wanted deep down.

 Trying to build your dream business and wealth while running on the business hamster wheel gets tiring after a while. It happens to the best of us.

Then, I had the opportunity to do some introspection, get grounded and in touch with my business- it was scary and I went for it.

I went for a good face to face stand off with my own self on where I was and ultimately where I wanted to be. These growth pains and reality checks were all necessary to step into the big picture CEO thinking I needed.

After that, I felt so refreshed and gained so much clarity on how to do big picture CEO embodiment...

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